MedExNews is an on line service for search, arragement and presentation of the latest medical news according to medical profile and your medical requests.


This notice comprises important information for all readers of MedExNew service and it is necessary to read the complete text.

Any content of MedExNews service is not intended to be a substitution for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

If you think that you have emergency medical problem, ask your physician without any delay, call 911 or dial respective number in your country immediately.

Neither of the parts or products of this service does not substitute any medical procedure, professional medical advice, medical care, diagnostic procedure or treatment. MedExNews service, regarding business or any other purposes, does not promote or give advantage to either medical procedure, or medical organization, hospital, medical practice, diagnostic procedure, medical test or treatment modality.

The contents of MedExNews service is not necessary completely accurate and they does not comprise all data about illnesses, or data which may be relevant for particular medical procedure or health status assessment.

MedExNews will not be responsible for any consequence which may arise due to usage of any contents or any product of its service.

You should never ignore professional medical advice or delay to seek because of what you have read on pages of MedExNews service!

Leaning on any information found on MedExNews service, employees in MedExNews service, or other individuals which may appear on pages of MedExNews service, or other guests on pages of our service is on your own risk only.

MedExNews information is not always assessed and approved by The US Food and Drug Administration or any other governmental agency and one should always consult its own physician.

We will not carry any responsibility for misunderstanding of contents (professional misunderstanding, lingual misunderstanding, dilemmas of users, unintentionally made errors in English language translation etc.), or usage of any service without consultation with respective licensed physician.

Do not forget to analyze, discuss and show every contents of MedExNews service to your physician.

This service is being provided “as is” basis and we will not be responsible for any consequences that may arise with using our service.

WARNING: This section is under construction. It will be finished soon!

Last Updated 02/04/2018