MedExNews is an on line service for search, arragement and presentation of the latest medical news according to medical profile and your medical requests.


All contents of the MedExNews site (text, graphics, images, and other material placed on the MedExNews site) are for informational purposes only. We emphasize as especially important that this service provide only information such as when and where brand new information has been appeared. The user should notice that every information is followed by short description with citation where information in question can be found. Accuracy and content of all data is responsibility of the owner of information, source of information and other carier of these information. All these information may be personally interested to you and connected with imporvement and prevention of personal and general health (see “Our mission”). Every notice or contents should be further evaluated in original form and in general, furthermore you should analyse and discuss it with your physician, and before implementation you must show it to your physician.

The whole content or any other part is not intented as a substitution for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

It is necessary allways to seek an advice and help from your own physician or other qualified health care provider regarding any issue that may arrise with your health status. You should never ignore professional medical advice or delay to seek it because of the text you have read on MedExNews service!

If you think that you have emergency medical problem, ask your physician without any delay, call 911 or dial respective number in your country immediately.

 MedExNews service, regarding bussiness or any other purposes, does not promote or give advantage to either medical procedure, or medical organization, hospital, medical practice, diagnostic procedure, medical test or treatment modality.

MedExNews pages may have health or medical-related contents which are sexually explicit. If you find these matherials offensive, please do not use our web pages.

Leaning on any information found on MedExNews service, employees in MedExNews servise, or other individuals which may appear on pages of MedExNews servise, or other guests on pages of our service is on your own risk only.

MedExNews service keep the right to offer brand new medical news which have been prepared upon your request, after removal of all your personal data,  to other interested clients aiming in impovement and prevention of personal and general health (see “Our mission”).

MedExNews service presents all information in original way, explicitly evidence-based, e.g. on “as is” basis.


WARNING: This section is under construction. It will be finished soon!

Last Updated 03/26/2020